Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Kevin and I are expecting, our due date is February 2nd. And no, we don't know if we're having a boy or a girl yet. Seems to be the first question everyone asks. We're scheduled to find out on my birthday though, and that date is fast approaching (September 17th).

I can't believe I'm already 17 weeks along. I'm creeping towards the halfway point (20 weeks) and it is freaking me out. I'm reconciled to the idea of being pregnant, and I want a baby, but the reality of having a new little person I'm responsible for taking care of is setting in. I can't wait to meet our baby though.

We're getting things ready, trying to plan baby showers, turning the office into a nursery, ordering a crib. All the things you do to prepare. I just didn't expect how HARD things would be when I got pregnant.

I went to the gym yesterday, and I've tried to stay active and work out to keep in shape, but it is more difficult than I expected it to be. I'm weaker than I was before I was pregnant, and I don't have as much energy. I always thought I would be one of those gung-ho-working-out pregnant ladies, but then I actually got pregnant and realized why so many women have trouble staying active while they're expecting. Its hard!

Happily there is a crossfit resource for pregnant ladies. One of the trainers out at BrandX hosts that site, and it is specifically geared for pregnant women and new moms. She posts workouts for most days of the week, and there are archives if the posted workout doesn't strike your fancy. I've found that these workouts generally fulfill the recommended 30-minute guidelines for pregnant women. And while they may look easy, you know, if you're not carrying around a kid inside you, I can assure you that in the prenatal state, they are not easy.

She's got scaling for all levels of fitness from advanced to beginner. I was such a pukey slacker for my first trimester, that I'm doing the beginner workouts. If you're expecting and you're not exercising, go over to CrossFit Moms and check it out. You can whine and complain while you're working out if you want to, that's your right as a pregnant woman, but you'll be so glad you got up and got moving.