Thursday, January 31, 2008

Sniff Sniff Sneeze Sneeze

I had to travel to Rhode Island this week for work, and some combination of a cold going around work and cold wind in RI made me sick. Its no fun to fly when you're congested. I have a doctor's appointment today, so hopefully she'll get me some meds and the cold won't settle in for a long stay.

I did manage a crossfit workout before I left Monday morning, but I missed the Tuesday workout, which was okay because Olympic lifts are a little intimidating to me. Overall eating was pretty good while I was away, as good as can be expected for eating in restaurants and airports for three days.

The trip itself was great, I got to travel with 3 co-workers, which is always better than traveling alone. I was so busy that before I knew it I was on a plane home. One of the guys we were traveling with got the car and we all rode together once we flew in. I had told them before leaving that the roads were really bad up there, but I guess it still surprised them.

He said he thought of a new slogan for the state -- Rhode Island: Sucky Roads, Sucky Island.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

And I'm Back!

It's been quite a while since my last post, and I guess I should acknowledge that fact,, I can't believe it has been so long since I posted!

I didn't drop off the face of the earth, I just had some things going on. I'd like to say that I accomplished in 2007 working out consistantly all year long, even through 2 injuries (1 knee, 1 shoulder) that I had to go to physical therapy for, and buying a new house.

Starting in mid-December, I had been doing a round of Afterburn, but K decided he wanted to try CrossFit and he wanted me to do it with him. So I finished out the 4 weeks of Afterburn I was doing, and I started up CrossFit with him. I have to say, I love it. I like the flexibility of being able to work it around other things I want to do, like Yoga and Kickboxing classes at the gym. I also like that no matter what physical condition you're in, CrossFit is haaard. HAAAARD!!!

I'd like to be able to work up to doing some of the things that are simply impossible for me right now, like pullups and handstand pushups. It's a loosly defined goal to be sure, but I would like to work up to those things.