Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Afterburn Part Deux

First weightlifting Afterburn session...Oh Emm Gee! H-A-R-D. HAAAARD!!!

I didn't expect it to be easy...but I didn't expect it to be so HARD! LOL. I expected it would be difficult but not so hard you have to say it H-A-R-D to convey the point. I have always worked hard when I'm lifting, always to the point of failure, but I never really get sweaty when I'm weightlifting. I just don't sweat a lot. I was positively DRIPPING last night.

When I was looking at the routine previous to going, I thought the hardest thing was going to be the 20 (twenty!!) squats I had to do. I was wrong, that was the easiest thing in the routine. LOL.

The standout winner by far was the SHELC. If you're looking for a new hamstring exercise that will make you feel like your hamstrings are cramping and being set on fire at the same time, this guy takes the cake. I couldn't believe how difficult that one was.

But, still, I completed the circuits! Well, mostly. I did absolutely as much as I could, and I was happy with my level of effort.

If you're feeling like your current weightlifting/fitness routine isn't challenging you enough, or you're not getting your desired results in terms of strength, overall fitness, or fat loss, I *highly* recommend the Afterburn program. I know they always make those fitness book sites look so cheesy, but thats good stuff right there!

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