Monday, March 26, 2007


I got the Afterburn book a couple of days ago and read it when I layed on the beach this weekend. I've been wanting to try out Afterburn since I read about it on Skwigg's blog, but I told myself I would wait until mid March to order it. Mostly because I had just bought Precision Nutrition, and also because I was working out BFL style. I didn't want to change everything right out of the gate, and I did get much fitter since January doing the BFL style lifting/intervals.

But I'm so stoked about starting Afterburn. It looks like I'm going to be in pain after the first workout on Tuesday. The book identifies what it calls "energy work" which is what most people would think of as cardio, and then it also has a weightlifting circuit you do. Alwyn says you can do the energy work anytime other than before the circuit work, which means you can do it after the circuit work. The short of it is, I can go to the gym 3x per week and be following the program. However, I dunnow if I'll be hardcore enough to do that after looking at the program, lol. My first circuit is scheduled for tomorrow, so I'm going to do my first energy work today. I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to run after the circuit!

Alwyn is crazy, the first four weeks has things like squats and step ups, and he expects you to do 20 reps each circuit! With weight! Crazy But truthfully I can't wait!

As I mentioned above, we went to the beach this weekend. We had such a good time! The only downside is the dog wasn't able to go with us, as they don't allow doggies on the beach in the county we live in. They do allow them at the beach in the next county over, so I think perhaps we will take her over there next weekend.

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