Saturday, January 27, 2007

Goals and Results

First off: Goofy Gym Picture. Well, we were on our way to the gym.

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I was examining my stats in my fittogether account and for my goal, which is 20% bodyfat, I'm only about 8% away. That's really fantastic, I thought I was much further away than that. And, in order to get there, I need to loose only about 18 more pounds (if all the lbs come from fat and I don't gain any more muscle mass).

Based on my progress to date, that will take about 8 more week, if the progress continues as it has been. That's pretty encouraging. I've just finished the 4th week, and its funny, because sometimes I feel so great about the progress I've made and how I'm looking, and sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who sees it. My clothes are looser on me, but the stuff I used to wear when I had lost weight before still doesn't fit. But that probably is just going to take some more time. Maybe when I've finished week 12, I'll be able to get back into those jeans.

Today was weigh and measure day again, and I've lost another 1.5 inches total since last week's weigh and measure (but gained a pound) which means my grand total since starting is about 12.5 inches and 3 lbs lost. And this is only week 4, so that's not too shabby.

I think the key is that I've still been pushing myself hard. I know in the past, I've tended to stagnate with my cardio sessions especially. Not so much with the weight training, because its pretty easy to push yourself to failure with the weights which ensures you're reaching the right intensity.

In the past, I would become acclimated to the speed I was doing my intervals, and wouldn't ramp up the intensity. I've been very careful not to do that this time around. I was making notes in my workout log while I was doing my sprints (20 second all out sprints with 40 seconds of walking) yesterday, and I got that Oh-man-I'm-going-to-either-puke-or-pass-out feeling after interval #6, but I kept going for the full 12. It was a really good feeling. Of course, all the people in the gym on the ellipticals doing SS "fat-burning" (yeah-right-fat burning heh heh) cardio probably think I'm psycho and ADD for turning the treadmill to 9.5 mph every 40 seconds. But after four weeks, I think I'm pretty much over caring what the people in the gym think of me. I've even taken to doing single leg split squats which look completely ridiculous, but are super hard.

On another note, I ended up not even playing City of Heroes last night because K's mom invited us over for dinner. I told her I was back on the fitness thing, and she had made ribeyes, broccoli, and sweet potatoes, so I had a pretty healthy dinner over there last night. I also got a cool picture of the steaks right when they came off of the grill. Anyone hungry??

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