Wednesday, January 10, 2007

NYC Starvationists

My back is so much better than it was last week. I was even able to go do my upper body workout with pretty much full intensity last night, I just couldn't do anything lying down. I'm just glad I was able to get through it without pain in my lower back. I also walked/jogged the dog yesterday, so far, so good. I'm going to try sprints outside today, as the massage therapist forbade me from using the elliptical machine until my back is completely better.

The dog and I went to PetSmart night before last and got her some of her old Nutro Ultra food, and that stopped the sickness. She feels better, but she's a little annoyed I think because it doesn't taste as good as the Bil-Jac. Monday night I had to sit in the floor with her and throw her food on the ground so she would eat. She wasn't interested in it when it was in her bowl. She's such a silly dog...when it was on the floor, I could see her thinking "Oh my! Its on the floor! Mom dropped something, I better scarf it up!!!" and then she would walk to her bowl and go "Mehhh, nahhhh, I don't really like that stuff."

I found this story talking about how fainting passengers are the top reason for subway delays. And the people are fainting because they're "loosing weight" for their New Year's resolution so they aren't eating. I don't know, do people really think not eating is a healthy way to loose weight? Common sense should tell them otherwise.

Also, Apple announced its iPhone yesterday. Shiney! Its $499 for the 4GB model, and $599 for the 8GB model, and cingular has a multiple-year exclusive contract on it. I'm already at cingular...and I've been wanting an iPod....hmmmm. I probably won't get it though, I like my Razor, and I think it makes more economical sense for me to keep the phone I have and get an iPod. It sure is purdy though.

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